
Food Turner

7330660887351 660887351 DEF(AUST)5472 DEFAUST5472

A hand-held item with a flat blade. It is used for turning food, such as pancakes, eggs, steak, potato patties, bacon, and the like. It may also be used for serving. View more Food Turner

7330-66-088-7351 FOOD TURNER 7330660887351 660887351

Managed by Australia
NSN Created on 1 Nov 1975
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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7330-66-088-7351 FOOD TURNER 7330660887351 660887351 1/1
NSN 7330-66-088-7351 (Generic Image) 1/1

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DEF(AUST)5472 DEFAUST5472 A hand-held item with a flat blade.
RQST NE Updated Every Day 7330-66-088-7351 RQST Updated Every Day 7330-66-088-7351 RQST NE Related Documents
7330-66-088-7351 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7330/au 7330-66-088-7351
Food Turner 7330170280904 170280904,610-204 7330-33-200-4900 7330-66-088-7351 7330-17-028-0904 https/
/www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7330/au 7330-66-088-7351 Food Turner 7330660887351 660887351 Food Turner
263006996,434085 -129-1469 7330-26-300-6996 https 227 -3155 7330-26-300-6994 7330-33-200-4900 7330-66-088-7351
Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com 028-0904 7330-01-227-3155 7330-26-300-6994 7330-33-200-4900 7330-66-088-7351
7330-17-028-0904 7330-99-129-1469 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7330/au 7330-66-088-7351
Food Turner 7330660887351 660887351 7330-26-300-6994 7330-33-200-4900 7330-66-088-7351 https//www.nsnlookup.com
7330-33-106-4733 73/fsc-7330/uk 7330-99-129-2197 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7330/au 7330-66-088-7351
Food Turner 7330660887351 660887351 7330-26-300-6994 7330-33-200-4900 7330-66-088-7351 https//www.nsnlookup.com
Stock Numbers Related to 7330-99-129-2197 7330-01-227-3155 7330-26-300-6994 7330-33-200-4900 7330-66-088-7351
to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 7330-66-011-4347Food Turner7330660114347 660114347 DEF(AUST)5472
DEFAUST5472 A hand-held item with a flat blade.
55132 DEFAUST5472 Managed by Australia NSN Created on 1 Nov 1975 Data Last Changed January 2023

7330-66-088-7351 Demil Restrictions 7330-66-088-7351


7330-66-088-7351 is a Food Turner

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