
Shelf Filing Cabinet

7110151973678 151973678 PN UAS 00039332 7110F76033499

An item of furniture consisting of a housing frame holding shelves designed to accommodate cap size or letter size filing material in an upright position. It may be a complete unit with built-in base or be in sections which intermember and stack vertically. It may or may not have doors. If with doors, they shall be of a sliding, disappearing type designed to save floor space. For items with drawers, see FILING CABINET. Excludes CABINET, FILING, ADDRESS PLATE; FILE, VISIBLE INDEX, CABINET; and FILING CABINET, ROTARY. View more Shelf Filing Cabinet

7110-15-197-3678 FILING CABINET,SHELF 7110151973678 151973678

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NSN Created on 8 Apr 2004
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PN UAS 00039332 7110F76033499 An item of furniture consisting of a housing frame holding shelves designed
RQST NE Updated Every Day 7110-15-197-3678 RQST Updated Every Day 7110-15-197-3678 RQST NE Related Documents
7110-15-197-3678 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-71/fsc-7110/it 7110-15-197-3678

7110-15-197-3678 Demil Restrictions 7110-15-197-3678


7110-15-197-3678 is a Shelf Filing Cabinet

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Italy (ZR)

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