
Computer Subassembly

7050123488008 123488008 32.95439.301.122

Two or more different types of items, having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together form a portion of a computer, but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. View more Computer Subassembly

7050-12-348-8008 COMPUTER SUBASSEMBLY 7050123488008 123488008

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NSN Created on 23 Aug 1999
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7050-12-348-8008 COMPUTER SUBASSEMBLY 7050123488008 123488008 1/1
NSN 7050-12-348-8008 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Computer Subassembly 7050123488008 123488008 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-70/fsc-7050/de 7050-12-348-
Updated Every Day 5950-01-168-3138 RQST Updated https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-70/fsc-7050/de 7050-12-348-8008
Computer Subassembly 7050123488008 123488008 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-49/fsc-4935/us 4935-00-005-
Frequency Coil5950011683138 011683138 1060795439 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-70/fsc-7050/de 7050-12-348-8008
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Computer Subassembly 7050123488008 123488008 4935/us 4935-00-005-8588 4935000058588 000058588,95439

7050-12-348-8008 Demil Restrictions 7050-12-348-8008


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