
Automatic Data Processing Tape Program

7030145090961 145090961 1131650N00 813-0305-009

A thin flexible strip of material in roll form, having a magnetic coating on one surface upon which is recorded the sequence of instructions required by a computer for solving a particular problem. It is stored in a cartridge, cassette, or reel which is designed to be inserted into the tape transport of a computer. See also DISK PROGRAM, AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING. For disks or tapes haivng no prerecorded data, see DISK, FLEXIBLE and TAPE, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING. View more Automatic Data Processing Tape Program

7030-14-509-0961 TAPE PROGRAM,AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 7030145090961 145090961

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1131650N00 813-0305-009 A thin flexible strip of material in roll form, having a magnetic coating on
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