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Data Entry Touchscreen
7025014738522 014738522
A device which uses a pressure-sensitive panel to input information to an electronic computer system and/or control the operation of a system. It is mounted on the face of a display unit such as a cathode ray tube. It may include mounting hardware. View more Data Entry Touchscreen
November 2023

Marketplace 7025-01-473-8522
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... ) https// /fsg-70/fsc-7025/us 7025-01-473-8522 Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522
... ) https// /fsg-70/fsc-7025/us 7025-01-473-8522 Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522
Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522 /fsg-70/fsc-7025/us 7025-01-473-8522 https
Data Entry Touchscreen 7025145734908 Data Entry Touchscreen 7025145734908 7025015691966 https// 7025014738522
Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522 Data Entry Touchscreen 7025015691966,ET1515L 7025-14-543-2811
https Touchscreen 7025015691966 https 8522 Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522 https//
Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522 /fsg-70/fsc-7025/us 7025-01-473-8522 https
Data Entry Touchscreen 7025014738522 /fsg-70/fsc-7025/us 7025-01-473-8522 https
Restrictions 7025-01-473-8522
7025-01-473-8522 is a Data Entry Touchscreen that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. This item has been confirmed as a Critical Munitions List Item or a Sensitive Commerce Control List Item and cannot be in the possession of any party anywhere in the World who is not an authorized NATO Government. Any other possessor of this item should mutilate it now as possession violates international and local laws. This item is a US Munitions List Item and must be mutilated to scrap. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal. This item is sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge.
Management Data 7025-01-473-8522
- Effective Date
- Organization
- Unit of Issue
- Unit Price
- Qty Unit Pack
- Unit of Issue
- Nov 2003
- Department of the Air Force (DF)
- EA
- Subscribe
- 1
- EA
- Code
- Statement
- Order of Use
- Jump To Code
- Qty Per Assy
- Technical Document
- Quantative Expression
- Code
- Federal Aviation Administration (GE)
- L
- Z
- Discontinued-Use 7025-01-494-7698
- Z
Air Force
- Fund:
- SF
- Stock fund applicable to items managed for the Air Force by the respective Inventory Control Point
- Budget:
- 8
- 97X4830.FCL4 - Materiel Support DIV (MSD) - Materiel Support Division (MSD), which includes those Air Force Centrally Managed Investment Items (ERRC XD1=C and XD2=T) except for those still managed in budget programs (BP) 15, 25, 82, 83, and 84 as stock fund exempt. MSD also includes items centrally procured and managed as Expense Items (ERRC XB3=N and XF3=P). Reference AFMAN 23–110, Volume 1, Part 3, Chapter 7, Paragraph 7.3.1
- Aggregation Code:
- HK
- Price Validation Code:
- N
- The current standard price in Catalog Management Data (CMD) has not analyzed or coded for LP/LM.
The price has not been analyzed or reviewed for accuracy.
ZOP or Standard price challenges are permissible but must be supported with adequate justification. However, if coded for Local Purchase (LP) or Fabrication/Manufacture as indicated with an (LM) Acquisition Advice Code of “L” or “F”, then it must be evaluated locally where purchased or fabricated.
- Expendability
Repairability: - T
- Expendable. Reparable. Condemn at Depot. AF Recoverable Assembly Management System (AFRAMS).