
Data Entry Optical Reader

7025123559055 123559055 90030020 7200-2D

A device which contains a light source, such as a light emitting diode or a laser diode and a light detector, such as semiconductor photo. It may/may not include other electronic circuitry. It is used to scan bar codes, alpha/numeric characters, markings, or the like. It converts the scanned data to a signal which can be input into an electronic system, such as a computer. It may be designed either as a hand manipulated device or as a device which is mounted in a fixed position for operation. Excludes RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER, LASER. See also COUPLER, OPTOELECTRONIC. View more Data Entry Optical Reader

7025-12-355-9055 OPTICAL READER,DATA ENTRY 7025123559055 123559055

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NSN Created on 3 Jan 2002
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January 2023
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7025-12-355-9055 OPTICAL READER,DATA ENTRY 7025123559055 123559055 1/1
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90030020 7200-2D A device which contains a light source, such as a light emitting diode or a laser diode
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7025-12-355-9055 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-70/fsc-7025/de 7025-12-355-9055

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7025-12-355-9055 is a Data Entry Optical Reader

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