
Computer Subassembly

7021151809739 151809739 NA8800051AA (241)A1615NA8800051AA

Two or more different types of items, having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together form a portion of a computer, but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. View more Computer Subassembly

7021-15-180-9739 COMPUTER SUBASSEMBLY 7021151809739 151809739

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NSN Created on 11 Sep 2008
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7021-15-180-9739 COMPUTER SUBASSEMBLY 7021151809739 151809739 1/1
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Computer Subassembly 7021151809739 151809739 NA8800051AA (241)A1615NA8800051AA Two or more different
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