
Ejection Seat Trainer

6930013093141 013093141 J119191-511

A trainer designed to provide a realistic and efficient means of training pilots in the correct procedure and characteristics of ejection from high speed aircraft. View more Ejection Seat Trainer

6930-01-309-3141 TRAINER,EJECTION SEAT 6930013093141 013093141

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 14 Oct 1989
Data Last Changed
November 2023
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6930-01-309-3141 TRAINER,EJECTION SEAT 6930013093141 013093141 1/1
NSN 6930-01-309-3141 (Generic Image) 1/1

6930-01-309-3141 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6930-01-309-3141

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J119191-511 A trainer designed to provide a realistic and efficient means of training pilots in the
/fsc-6930/us 6930-01-309-3141 Ejection Seat Trainer 6930013093141013093141 J119191-511 A trainer designed
6930-00-531-7830 Trainer 6930000304514 000304514 030-4514 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141 6930
Ejection Seat Trainer 6930013093141 013093141 Ejection Seat Trainer 6930000783731000783731 : |
: U | EDC: https 6930-00-531-7830 Trainer 6930000304514 000304514 030-4514 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141
5277 6930000783731 000783731 NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6930-00-078-3731 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141
Ejection Seat Trainer 6930013093141 013093141 Ejection Seat Trainer 6930996685277996685277 99-668
6930996685277996685277 6930-00-531-7830 Trainer 6930000304514 000304514 030-4514 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141
99-668-5277 Ejection Seat Trainer 6930996685277996685277 000304514 030-4514 6930 -01-004-5482 6930-01-309- 3141
-668-5277 Ejection Seat Trainer 6930996685277 996685277 000304514 030-4514 6930 -01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141
Ejection Seat Trainer 6930013093141 013093141 6930013093141013093141 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-69/
6930-99-668-5277 6930-00-531-7830 Trainer 6930000304514 000304514 030-4514 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141
: U | EDC: https 6930-00-531-7830 Trainer 6930000304514 000304514 030-4514 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141
Ejection Seat Trainer 6930013093141 013093141 6930/us 6930-00-531 6930-99-668-5277 6930-00-531-
7830 Trainer 6930000304514 000304514 030-4514 6930-01-004-5482 6930-01-309-3141 5277 6930000783731 000783731

6930-01-309-3141 Demil Restrictions 6930-01-309-3141


6930-01-309-3141 is a Ejection Seat Trainer that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. This item is a US Munitions List or Commerce Control List Item which must be destroyed to prevent restoration or repair. Only authorized parties may possess this item. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

6930-01-309-3141 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6930-01-309-3141

6930-01-309-3141 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6930-01-309-3141