Standardized Electronic Module
6930992532493 992532493
An electronic device capable of controlling voltage and/or current to produce gain, oscillation or similar integral functions. It consists of a collection of electronic parts such as capacitors, resistors, coils, relays, transistors, semiconductor devices, and microcircuits in a single replaceable package. The configuration, physical dimensions, and electrical parameters of the item have been standardized in accordance with Government and/or Industry specifications and/or standards. Excludes items with nonstandardized configuration. It is not subject to disassembly as distinguished from such items as CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY and ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY. Do not use if a more specific item name exists such as AMPLIFIER (as modified), CODER (as modified), MICROCIRCUIT (as modified), and OSCILLATOR (as modified). View more Standardized Electronic Module
January 2024
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