Operation Training Devices - Germany (DE)

Federal Supply Class (FSC): 6930

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 6930

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 69 Training Aids and Devices

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 69 Training Aids and Devices

Items Managed by Germany (DE) - NCB is 12

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NSN Format for Operation Training Devices
Codified by Germany

Federal Supply Class

NATO Supply Class 6930 is a classification within NATO Supply Group 69, which is designated for Training Aids and Devices. Specifically, Class 6930 is focused on Operation Training Devices.

Operation Training Devices are equipment or systems that are used to simulate real-life operational scenarios for training purposes. These devices are designed to provide a realistic training experience for military personnel, allowing them to practice and enhance their skills in a controlled environment.

Examples of Operation Training Devices that fall under NATO Supply Class 6930 include simulators, mock-ups, trainers, and other similar equipment. These devices can be used for various purposes, such as flight simulation, vehicle operation training, weapons training, and tactical scenario training.

The purpose of NATO Supply Class 6930 is to ensure that there is a standardized classification system for Operation Training Devices within the NATO inventory. This classification helps in the identification, procurement, and management of these devices across NATO member countries.

When procuring or referencing Operation Training Devices, it is important to use the NATO Supply Class 6930 code to ensure accurate identification and classification of the equipment. This helps in maintaining consistency and interoperability among NATO forces during training exercises and operations.

Overall, NATO Supply Class 6930 plays a crucial role in the categorization and management of Operation Training Devices within NATO Supply Group 69 for Training Aids and Devices.

FSC 6930 Operation Training Devices - Germany (DE)
FSC 6930 Operation Training Devices - Germany (DE)

Includes Link Trainers; Automatic Pilot Training Devices; Drift Meter Training Devices; Celestial Navigation Trainers; Dead Reckoning Navigation Trainers; Instrument Flying and Landing Trainers; Terrain Projection Trainers; All operational training devices except communication and armament.

Excludes Training Aids.

Note-Included are computers (including computer assemblies, computer systems and components) designed specifically for use as, or with training aids and devices.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 6930 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 6930

What is Federal Supply Class 6930?
FSC 6930 is the Federal Supply Class (formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 6930) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Operation Training Devices.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 6930?
NSC 6930 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 6930 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Operation Training Devices.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 6930 in?
FSC 6930 is in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 69 which contains Training Aids and Devices.
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 6930 in?
NSC 6930 is in NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG) 69 which contains Training Aids and Devices.

Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 6930 Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 6930

What is a Flight Simulator Trainer? 26 Items
A Flight Simulator Trainer (TRAINER,FLIGHT SIMULATOR) is a trainer which imitates operational, navigational, or landing and take-off type flight conditions.
What is an Automobile Driving Trainer? 36 Items
An Automobile Driving Trainer (TRAINER,AUTOMOBILE DRIVING) is a trainer designed to simulate the conditions encountered in the operation of an automobile.
What is an Indicator Simulated? 24 Items
An Indicator Simulated is a device that portrays (when viewed from the front panel) the visible design and indications of an operational indicator. For use in aircraft training devices.
What is a Trainer Subassembly? 179 Items
A Trainer Subassembly is two or more different types of items having a common mounting or mounted on each other, which together form a portion of a Trainer (1), (as modified), but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name.
What is a Flight Environment Simulator? 13 Items
A Flight Environment Simulator (SIMULATOR,FLIGHT ENVIRONMENT) is an item designed to produce real-time out-of the window scenes of light and surfaces representing the visual environment. It will produce images of day, dusk, night, landing light illumination, weather effects. It will produce successive images or enhanced graphics at a rate sufficient to give the impression of smooth motion to the observer.
What is a Signal Data Simulator Interface Control Assembly? 11 Items
A Signal Data Simulator Interface Control Assembly (INTERFACE CONTROL ASSEMBLY,SIMULATOR,SIGNAL DATA) is a device which provides the equipment interface for transferring simulation data between a computer system and a simulator analyzer set for airborne warning and control system crew training. May include functionally operating equipment.
What is an Electrical-Electronic Equipment Control Panel? 20 Items
An Electrical-Electronic Equipment Control Panel (PANEL,CONTROL,ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT) is a panel, upon which are mounted such items as indicator lights, meters, relays, switches and the like, which is specifically designed for the purpose of controlling the operation of electrical and electronic equipment. See also PANEL, TEST, ELECTRICAL.
What is a Ship Fire Fighting And Damage Control Training Set? 11 Items
A Ship Fire Fighting And Damage Control Training Set (TRAINING SET,FIRE FIGHTING AND DAMAGE CONTROL,SHIP) is a collection of items designed for instructing students in ship fire fighting and damage control techniques.
What is an Aircraft Mechanic Training Set? 55 Items
An Aircraft Mechanic Training Set (TRAINING SET,AIRCRAFT MECHANIC) is a collection of items designed for instructing mechanics in fault finding and fault correction techniques and in aircraft maintenance.
What is a Radiation Measurement Trainer? 10 Items
A Radiation Measurement Trainer (TRAINER,RADIATION MEASUREMENT) is a trainer which simulates alpha, beta and/or gamma emission in specific dosages for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NCB) familiarization.

Stock Items From Supply Class 6930 Stock Items From Supply Class 6930 Page 1 of 7

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