
Solvent Cleaning Compound

6850218705736 218705736 WESTSAFE DEGREASER 51 6850-0048 6850-0057

A cleaner of nonspecific chemicals compounded to remove grease, carbon collection, and the like, from parts of internal combustion engines, aircraft surfaces, small machines and the like by solvent action. Does not include items known by specific chemical names, and CLEANING COMPOUND, BAKING PAN. View more Solvent Cleaning Compound

6850-21-870-5736 CLEANING COMPOUND,SOLVENT 6850218705736 218705736

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NSN Created on 7 May 1974
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WESTSAFE DEGREASER 51 6850-0048 6850-0057 A cleaner of nonspecific chemicals compounded to remove grease
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Adapter6685123863944 123863944 75559 browser . 6850-21-878-4154Solvent Cleaning Compound6850218784154 218784154 WESTSAFE
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