
Inspection Penetrant

6850131139854 131139854 ARDROX970P24-5L

An oil or ester base liquid used with a developer to detect surface flaws in metals, ceramics, glass, and some plastics. Penetrants will reveal only defects which are open to the surface and which are of sufficient magnitude to permit entrance of the penetrant by capillary action. The penetrant remains in the opening until it is withdrawn by the greater capillary action of the developer. View more Inspection Penetrant

6850-13-113-9854 INSPECTION PENETRANT 6850131139854 131139854

Managed by Belgium
NSN Created on 28 May 1991
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6850-13-113-9854 INSPECTION PENETRANT 6850131139854 131139854 1/1
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ARDROX970P24-5L An oil or ester base liquid used with a developer to detect surface flaws in metals,
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6850-13-113-9854 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-68/fsc-6850/be 6850-13-113-9854
| RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 14 Feb 1995 6850-13-114-8751 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-68/fsc-6850/be 6850-13-113-9854
Inspection Penetrant 6850131139854 131139854 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-68/fsc-6850 Miscellaneous Chemical
| DAC: 4 14 Feb 1995 6850-13-114-8751 Wetting Agent AMCRNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 5 Jul 1994 6850-13-113-9854

6850-13-113-9854 Demil Restrictions 6850-13-113-9854


6850-13-113-9854 is a Inspection Penetrant

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