
Dry Inspection Penetrant Developer

6850660472877 660472877 MIL-I-25135C FLUR0CHEKDD2

A light, fluffy, dry, absorbent powder applied to the part being penetrant inspected, after the excess surface penetrant has been removed and the part has been dried. The "dry" developer adheres primarily to the flaw openings wetted by the penetrant liquid to obtain increased bleed out of the penetrant and provide sharp flaw delineations. Excludes MAGNETIC INSPECTION COMPOUND. View more Dry Inspection Penetrant Developer

6850-66-047-2877 INSPECTION PENETRANT DEVELOPER,DRY 6850660472877 660472877

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MIL-I-25135C FLUR0CHEKDD2 A light, fluffy, dry, absorbent powder applied to the part being penetrant
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in your web browser . 6850-66-100-6661Inspection Penetrant6850661006661 661006661 FLUR0CHECKP41 MIL-I-25135C
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MIL-I-25135C Inspection Penetrant 6850660472876660472876 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6850
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5751 Dry Inspection Penetrant Developer 991745751 8324 Inspection Penetrant Developer 991745751 6850-66-047-2877

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