
Utility Disinfectant-Detergent

6840123476800 123476800 1076 DAMP-TOWEL 100 STUECK DESINFEKTIONSMITTEL VG95211-ML-123476800 TK6840-016

An item registered by the Environmental Protection Agency, as a bactericide (germicide) and/or fungicide (including those items which also have tuberculocidal, viricidal, or sporicidal properties), into which an adequate amount of detergency has been added and/or built in, which cleans at the same time it disinfects. The item may or may not need reconstitution or mixing before usage. View more Utility Disinfectant-Detergent

6840-12-347-6800 DISINFECTANT-DETERGENT,UTILITY 6840123476800 123476800

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NSN Created on 26 Jan 1999
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6840-12-347-6800 DISINFECTANT-DETERGENT,UTILITY 6840123476800 123476800 1/1
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1076 DAMP-TOWEL 100 STUECK DESINFEKTIONSMITTEL VG95211-ML-123476800 TK6840-016 An item registered by
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