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Photographic Film Scanner

6760014994799 014994799 SA-30 9299 NCP

A variable magnification optical system used to view one or more types of film. This system includes computer interface to control the sizing, focus, and positioning of the film. View more Photographic Film Scanner

6760-01-499-4799 FILM SCANNER,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6760014994799 014994799

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 24 Jul 2002
Data Last Changed
January 2023
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
6760-01-499-4799 FILM SCANNER,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6760014994799 014994799 1/1
NSN 6760-01-499-4799 (Generic Image) 1/1

6760-01-499-4799 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6760-01-499-4799

6760-01-499-4799 Related Documents Related Documents 6760-01-499-4799 5+ Documents (More...)

SA-30 9299 NCP A variable magnification optical system used to view one or more types of film.
Updated Every Day 6760-01-499-4799 RQST Updated Every Day 6760-01-499-4799 RQST NE Related Documents
Photographic Film Scanner 6760014994799 Day 6760-01-499-4799 RQST NE Related Documents https//
Day 6760-66-133-8960 RQST NE Related Documents https// 6760144826935 043-9620 6760-01-499-4799
https/ Photographic Film Scanner 6760661338960 https// /fsg-67/fsc-6760/us 6760-01-499-4799
Photographic Film Scanner 6760014994799 Every Day 6760-01-499-4799 RQST NE Related Documents Photographic
magnification optical system used to Photographic Film Scanner 6760144826935 6760-27-043-9620 6760-01-499-4799
8960 5+ Documents ( More... ) https 6760144826935 https// /fsg-67/fsc-6760/us 6760-01-499-4799
Photographic Film Scanner 6760014994799 01-464-2885 6760-27-043-9620 6760-01-499-4799 6760-14-482
6760/us 6760-01-367-2391 Photographic Film Scanner https// /fsg-67/fsc-6760/us 6760-01-499-4799
Photographic Film Scanner 6760014994799 Film Scanner 6760144826935 01-464-2885 6760-27-043-9620
6760-01-499-4799 6760-14-482-6935 Scanner 6760013672391 551-8844 6760-66-133-8960 01-464-2885 6760-27
-388-1321Photographic Film Scanner6760013881321 https// /fsg-67/fsc-6760/us 6760-01-499-4799
Photographic Film Scanner 6760014994799 6760-01-464-2885 6760-27-043-9620 6760-01-499-4799 https
Microsystems Inc (Obsolete) Canceled https 6760-66-133-8960 6760-01-464-2885 6760-27-043-9620 6760 -01-499-4799

6760-01-499-4799 Demil Restrictions 6760-01-499-4799


6760-01-499-4799 is a Photographic Film Scanner that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

6760-01-499-4799 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 6760-01-499-4799

6760-01-499-4799 End Users End Users 6760-01-499-4799

Canada (ZC01)
Effective Date:
1 Jul 2002
France (ZF01)
Effective Date:
1 Apr 2009

6760-01-499-4799 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6760-01-499-4799

6760-01-499-4799 Technical Data Datasheet 6760-01-499-4799

Special Features [FEAT]
Optional Accessory For Nikon Supercool Scan 4000 Ed Film Scanner; Allows Automatic Continuous Scanning Up To 40 Frames From Uncut 35 Mm Roll Film

6760-01-499-4799 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6760-01-499-4799

6760-01-499-4799 Freight Data Freight Information 6760-01-499-4799

6760-01-499-4799 has freight characteristics managed by the Department of the Air Force.. 6760-01-499-4799 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted.