
Photographic Lens Light Filter

6760142792455 142792455 1648J52 1648JAUNE

A colored sheet of gelatin film, glass, plastic or colored gelatin used in conjunction with a lens for the purpose of altering the effective color sensitivity of the film. View more Photographic Lens Light Filter

6760-14-279-2455 FILTER,LIGHT,PHOTOGRAPHIC LENS 6760142792455 142792455

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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1971
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6760-14-279-2455 FILTER,LIGHT,PHOTOGRAPHIC LENS 6760142792455 142792455 1/1
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1648J52 1648JAUNE A colored sheet of gelatin film, glass, plastic or colored gelatin used in conjunction
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Photographic Lens Light Filter 6760142792455 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6760/fr 6760-14-279-
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6760-14-279-2455 is a Photographic Lens Light Filter

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France (ZF)

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