
Film Photographic Storage Cabinet

6760661053551 661053551 HP2

An item of furniture designed specifically for storage of processed or unprocessed photographic film. It is usually insulated or light-tight and may incorporate fire, fume, andhumidity control devices. It may have drawers and/or compartments and may have attached a trimming knife and film rewinders. View more Film Photographic Storage Cabinet

6760-66-105-3551 CABINET,PHOTOGRAPHIC STORAGE,FILM 6760661053551 661053551

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NSN Created on 28 Jul 1987
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6760-66-105-3551 CABINET,PHOTOGRAPHIC STORAGE,FILM 6760661053551 661053551 1/1
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JavaScript in your web browser . 7310-17-123-4407Electric Hot Plate7310171234407 171234407 HP2
Film Photographic Storage Cabinet 661053551 /www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6760/au 6760-66-105-
3551 Film Photographic Storage Cabinet 661053551 HP2 -144-15GHZ HP2-144 An item consisting of a conductor
Every Day 5310-15-105-3551 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6760/au 6760-66-105-3551
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 7910-15-192-2212Bidone Aspiratutto7910151922212 151922212 B 580 HP2
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5945-66-092-8479Electromagnetic Relay5945660928479 660928479 HP2
-144-15GHZ HP2-144 An item consisting of a conductor or a system of conductors specifically designed
HP2 5120PL0901615 Managed by United States NSN Created on 10 Nov 1992 Data Last Changed January 2023

6760-66-105-3551 Demil Restrictions 6760-66-105-3551


6760-66-105-3551 is a Film Photographic Storage Cabinet

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