
Photographic Film

6750010345137 010345137

A flexible plastic material in roll or sheet form bearing a coating which, when exposed to a light source and then given a chemical treatment, produces a visible black and white or color image. The roll film may come with or without perforations, sound track, leader, and/or trailer. The sheet film may be cut in sizes that can be easily handled one sheet at a time, or prepared in pack form where a quantity of sheets are enclosed in a pocket so designed that individual exposures can be made by removing tabbed shields. Photographic film may be used for, but not be limited to aerial photography, motion picutre, microfilm, graphic arts, portrait, reproductions, and the like. View more Photographic Film

6750-01-034-5137 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6750010345137 010345137

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January 2024
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6750-01-034-5137 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6750010345137 010345137 1/1
NSN 6750-01-034-5137 (Generic Image) 1/1

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RQST Updated Every Day 6750-01-034-5137 RQST NE Related Documents 6750-01-034-5137 5+ Documents ( More
Photographic Film 6750010345137010345137 Documents 6750-01-034-5137 3+ Documents ( More https/
Documents 6750-01-020-1796 5+ Documents ( More https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-01-034-5137
Photographic Film 6750010345137 010345137 Documents 6750-01-034-5137 3+ Documents ( More https/
-00-469-6747 Directelectrostat Copying Paper 004696747 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-01-034-5137
6750-00-469-6747 2+ Documents ( More... ) https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-01-034-5137
Photographic Film 6750010345137 010345137 020-1796 Photographic Paper 6750010201796 010201796 -
00-469-6747 Directelectrostat Copying Paper 004696747 United States (US) 6750-01-034-5137 Photographic
Documents 6750-00-986-0475 1+ Documents ( More https/ https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-01-034-5137
Photographic Film 6750010345137 010345137 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-01-034-5137
Indirect Electrostatic Process Developer 1 Jan 1900 6750-00-986-0475 Photographic Film 1 Jan 1900 6750-01-034-5137

6750-01-034-5137 Demil Restrictions 6750-01-034-5137


6750-01-034-5137 is a Photographic Film This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item may be hazardous as it is in a Federal Supply Class for potentially hazardous items. A MSDS should be available from the supplier for the end user to evaluate any hazards. The precious metals content of this item is unknown.

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