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Photographic Film

6750001515626 001515626 PLUS-X AEROGRAPHIC 2402 MIL-F-32

A flexible plastic material in roll or sheet form bearing a coating which, when exposed to a light source and then given a chemical treatment, produces a visible black and white or color image. The roll film may come with or without perforations, sound track, leader, and/or trailer. The sheet film may be cut in sizes that can be easily handled one sheet at a time, or prepared in pack form where a quantity of sheets are enclosed in a pocket so designed that individual exposures can be made by removing tabbed shields. Photographic film may be used for, but not be limited to aerial photography, motion picutre, microfilm, graphic arts, portrait, reproductions, and the like. View more Photographic Film

6750-00-151-5626 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6750001515626 001515626

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NSN Created on 24 Oct 1970
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PLUS-X AEROGRAPHIC 2402 MIL-F-32 A flexible plastic material in roll or sheet form bearing a coating
MIL-F-32 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 9 RO NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 6750-00-151-5626 RQST NE Updated
Every Day 6750-00-151-5626 RQST Updated Every Day 6750-00-151-5626 RQST NE Related Documents 6750-00
for $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 6750-00-964-9752Photographic Film6750009649752 009649752 MIL-F-32
MIL-F-32 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 9 RO NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 6750-00-964-9752 RQST NE Updated /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-00-577-4637 Photographic Film 6750005774637 005774637 MIL-F-32
153 6861 MIL-F-32 A flexible plastic material in roll or sheet form bearing a coating which, when
MIL-F-32 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 9 RO NS Request Quotation FedMall Updated Every 15 Minutes 6750-00-151-5625
https// /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-00-151-5626 Photographic Film 6750001515626 001515626
MIL-F-32 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 9 RO NS Request Quotation FedMall Updated Every 15 Minutes 6750-00-577-4637
Photographic Film 6750005774637005774637 FILM, A flexible plastic material in roll MIL-F-32 FILM
https// /fsg-67/fsc-6750/us 6750-00-151-5626 Photographic Film 6750001515626 001515626
176 5247 MIL-F-32 A flexible plastic material in roll or sheet form bearing a coating which, when
MIL-F-32 FILM,PHOTOGRAPHIC 9 RO NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 6750-00-151-5633 RQST NE Updated
A flexible plastic material in roll or sheet form bearing a coating which, when exposed MIL-F-32

6750-00-151-5626 Demil Restrictions 6750-00-151-5626


6750-00-151-5626 is a Photographic Film that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item may be hazardous as it is in a Federal Supply Class for potentially hazardous items. A MSDS should be available from the supplier for the end user to evaluate any hazards. This item contains Silver.

6750-00-151-5626 Management Data Management Data 6750-00-151-5626

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Sep 1981
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Department of the Navy (DN)
Discontinued Without Replacement

Navy Navy


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