
Photographic Paper

6750270427647 270427647 EPSON 1118 MMX18MT

A sheet or roll of paper bearing a silver salt emulsion coating which, when exposed to a light source and then given a wet or dry chemical process treatment, produces a visible image. The paper is designed for line copy and/or continuous tone reproduction with the image appearing in black and white or color. View more Photographic Paper

6750-27-042-7647 PAPER,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6750270427647 270427647

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 10 Sep 2008
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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6750-27-042-7647 PAPER,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6750270427647 270427647 1/1
NSN 6750-27-042-7647 (Generic Image) 1/1

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: 6 23 Sep 1997 6750-27-005-6769 Photographic Film FCSRNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 6 23 Sep 1997 6750-27-042-7647

6750-27-042-7647 Demil Restrictions 6750-27-042-7647


6750-27-042-7647 is a Photographic Paper

6750-27-042-7647 End Users End Users 6750-27-042-7647

Turkey (ZW)

6750-27-042-7647 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6750-27-042-7647

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