
Photographic Projection Printer

6740121577240 121577240 6700001 184BW H346 6740-30950

A device providing an inclosed light source, a negative carrier, and a lens, which is used to project the image from the negative to the sensitized material which is normally held in an easel. The lens position is adjustable to permit varying degree of enlargement or reduction. Excludes PRINTER, TRANSFORMING, PHOTOGRAMMETRIC and RECTIFIER, PROJECTION PRINTING, PHOTOGRAMMETRIC. View more Photographic Projection Printer

6740-12-157-7240 PRINTER,PROJECTION,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6740121577240 121577240

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NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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January 2023
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6740-12-157-7240 PRINTER,PROJECTION,PHOTOGRAPHIC 6740121577240 121577240 1/1
NSN 6740-12-157-7240 (Generic Image) 1/1

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6700001 184BW H346 6740-30950 A device providing an inclosed light source, a negative carrier, and a
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