Dial Indicating Differential Gage
6685997864234 997864234 184/1 TYPE 184/1 A4-CD.1477
An instrument designed to measure air, gas, fluid, and vapor differential by means of a pressure sensitive element(s) which transmits energy, by direct linkage, to the indicating pointer of a scale calibrated to units of pressure. The scale may indicate in units of pressure, quantity, or flow. View more Dial Indicating Differential Gage
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184/1 TYPE 184/1 A4-CD.1477 An instrument designed to measure air, gas, fluid, and vapor differential
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410005690 Indicating Differential Gage 222595959 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6685/uk 6685-99-786-4234
Dial Indicating Differential Gage 997864234 4234 Dial Indicating Differential Gage 997864234 Differential
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Dial Indicating Differential Gage 997864234 66/fsc-6685/dk 6685-22-259-5959 Dial Indicating https
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Dial Indicating Differential Gage 997864234 66/fsc-6685/dk 6685-22-259-5959 Dial Indicating https
Indicating Differential Gage 410005690 Dial Indicating Differential Gage 222595959 Dial https Gage 997864234
Restrictions 6685-99-786-4234
End Users 6685-99-786-4234
- United Kingdom (ZK)
Approved Sources 6685-99-786-4234
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- A4-CD.1477
- Manufacturer
- K8983 - The British Rototherm Company Ltd (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- 184/1
- K8983 - The British Rototherm Company Ltd (Active)
- Incomplete Secondary Reference
- Incomplete Secondary Reference
- TYPE 184/1
- K8983 - The British Rototherm Company Ltd (Active)
- Incomplete Secondary Reference
- Incomplete Secondary Reference
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