
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage

6685144244608 144244608 PZDM121

An instrument designed to measure air, gas, fluid, and vapor pressure by means of an internal pressure sensitive element (bellows, bourdon tube, transducer/transmitter and the like) which transmits energy, by direct linkage, to the indicating pointer of a scale or a digital display, calibrated in units of pressure.It may include a temperature equivalent scale.For items that do not have an internal pressure sensitive element see INDICATOR, PRESSURE. View more Dial Indicating Pressure Gage

6685-14-424-4608 GAGE,PRESSURE,DIAL INDICATING 6685144244608 144244608

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6685-14-424-4608 GAGE,PRESSURE,DIAL INDICATING 6685144244608 144244608 1/1
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