
Capillary Tube And Bulb Indicating Thermometer

6685660969228 660969228 M100726 M551 D7340/1

A thermometer which employs a confined substance, whose measurable physical properties or one of them varies with a change in temperatrue and this energy transmitted into mechanical movement to indicate the temperature. For indoor/outdoor application, see THERMOMETER, SELF-INDICATING, LIQUID IN GLASS. View more Capillary Tube And Bulb Indicating Thermometer

6685-66-096-9228 THERMOMETER,INDICATING,CAPILLARY TUBE AND BULB 6685660969228 660969228

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6685-66-096-9228 THERMOMETER,INDICATING,CAPILLARY TUBE AND BULB 6685660969228 660969228 1/1
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M100726 M551 D7340/1 A thermometer which employs a confined substance, whose measurable physical properties
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Thermometer6685660969228 660969228 M100726 M551 /1 A thermometer which employs a confined substance,
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6685660969228 660969228,M100726,M551 M100726M551D7340/1 A thermometer which employs a confined

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