
Liquid Sight Indicator

6680123475434 123475434 SG422

An item so designed to have a portion or all of its body transparent to permit the visual examination of the amount of liquid in a pressure vessel, boiler, evaporator, still, processing tank, reservoir, pipe tubing line, and the like, and/or to determine the flow to a lubricated part. It may also be provided with an element that changes colors to indicate changes in moisture content. The item may have a means for refilling. Excludes INDICATOR, LIQUID QUANTITY and INDICATOR, RATE OF FLOW. View more Liquid Sight Indicator

6680-12-347-5434 INDICATOR,SIGHT,LIQUID 6680123475434 123475434

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 5 Jan 1999
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January 2023
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6680-12-347-5434 INDICATOR,SIGHT,LIQUID 6680123475434 123475434 1/1
NSN 6680-12-347-5434 (Generic Image) 1/1

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