6650270477647 270477647 MIGS-6100 (241)SHA34MIGS-6100
A viewing device used to visually inspect items such as cannon bores, internal combustion engine cylinder walls, propellant perforations of rocket motors or similar items, for defects of manufacture, corrosion, scars, erosion, etc., without the necessity of disassembling the item(s). It may or may not have extension tubes to cover the various ranges of inspection. The item is basically a straight-tube telescope using a mirror or prism. View more Borescope
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NSN Created on 16 Dec 2009
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MIGS-6100 (241)SHA34MIGS-6100 A viewing device used to visually inspect items such as cannon bores,
Borescope 6650270477647270477647,MIGS-6100 MIGS-6100 (241)SHA34MIGS-6100 A viewing device used to visually
visually A viewing device used to visually A viewing device used to visually 270477647,MIGS-6100
Borescope 6650270477647270477647,MIGS-6100 MIGS-6100 (241)SHA34MIGS-6100 A viewing device used to visually
visually A viewing device used to visually A viewing device used to visually 270477647,MIGS-6100
Borescope 6650270477647 270477647,MIGS-6100 used to visually A viewing device used to visually
270477647,MIGS-6100 990333165 3799 Borescope 6650123353799 Borescope 6650123353799 123353799,1.04038.09
Borescope 6650270477647270477647,MIGS-6100 used to used to visually 270477647,MIGS-6100 990333165 3799
270477647,MIGS-6100 990333165 3799 Borescope 6650123353799 Borescope 6650123353799 123353799,1.04038.09
Borescope 6650270477647270477647,MIGS-6100 used to used to visually 270477647,MIGS-6100 990333165 3799
Borescope 6650270477647 270477647,MIGS-6100 visually A viewing device used to visually A viewing
device used to visually 270477647,MIGS-6100 990333165 3799 Borescope 6650123353799 Borescope https//
/uk 6650-99-033-3165 Borescope 6650990333165990333165 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/tr 6650-27-047-7647
device used to visually 270477647,MIGS-6100 990333165 3799 Borescope 6650123353799 Borescope https//
/uk 6650-99-033-3165 Borescope 6650990333165990333165 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/tr 6650-27-047-7647
fsg-66/fsc-6650/uk 6650-99-215-1199 Borescope 6650992151199 992151199,7220871 6650-12-335-3799 6650-27-047-7647
-215-1199 https 174-8327 6650-17-111-1866 6650-99-254-6964 6650-12-344-0926 6650-12-335-3799 6650-27-047-7647
6650-99-215-1199 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/tr 6650-27-047-7647 Borescope 6650270477647
-215-1199 https 174-8327 6650-17-111-1866 6650-99-254-6964 6650-12-344-0926 6650-12-335-3799 6650-27-047-7647
6650-99-215-1199 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/tr 6650-27-047-7647 Borescope 6650270477647
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/uk 6650-99-254-6918 https/ https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/tr 6650-27-047-7647
Borescope 6650270477647 270477647,MIGS-6100 3165 270477647 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/ https
151-9629 6650-15-174-8327 6650-17-111-1866 6650-99-254-6964 6650-12-344-0926 6650-12-335-3799 6650-27-047-7647
Borescope 6650270477647 270477647,MIGS-6100 3165 270477647 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/ https
151-9629 6650-15-174-8327 6650-17-111-1866 6650-99-254-6964 6650-12-344-0926 6650-12-335-3799 6650-27-047-7647
Restrictions 6650-27-047-7647
End Users 6650-27-047-7647
- Italy (ZR)
- Turkey (ZW)
Approved Sources 6650-27-047-7647
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- MIGS-6100
- Manufacturer
- SHA34 - Three-In-One Enterprises Co., Ltd. (Active)
- Related Standard
- Related Standard
- (241)SHA34MIGS-6100
- SHA34 - Three-In-One Enterprises Co., Ltd. (Active)
- Secondary Buy
- Secondary Buy
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6650-27-047-7647
6650-12-148-5460 6650-12-390-4800 6650-12-315-7623 6650-14-562-3774 6650-12-151-9629 6650-15-174-8327 6650-17-111-1866 6650-99-254-6964 6650-12-344-0926 6650-12-335-3799 6650-27-047-7647 6650-99-215-1199 6650-99-922-3780 6650-15-149-4599 6650-99-894-9054 6650-99-316-9331 6650-25-133-1455 6650-15-117-1990