

6650171233007 171233007 2773

An instrument for determining the refractive index of a substance, by means of a ray of light passing obliquely from one medium into another of different density, or by the change in direction of the flow of an electric current when it passes from one medium to another of different conductivity or of other differing electric qualities. Excludes SPECTROSCOPE (as modified). View more Refractometer

6650-17-123-3007 REFRACTOMETER 6650171233007 171233007

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NSN Created on 17 Sep 2010
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Refractometer 6650171233007 171233007,2773 123-3007 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC https
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Refractometer 6650171233007 171233007,2773 21-900-0200 123-3007 Refractometer 6650171233007 https
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