

6650145221802 145221802 310734-05 CALOPTIC2-1/2X

A viewing device which increases the apparent size of an object. It may consist of a mounted or unmounted simple or compound lens, or an assembly of lenses which may be arranged in various combinations. It may have a handle, stand, clamp, or similar means of manipulation or securing. With the exception of the MAGNIFIER of a dissecting microscope, this item is not part of any other item, although it may be an accessory. See also MICROSCOPE, OPTICAL. View more Magnifier

6650-14-522-1802 MAGNIFIER 6650145221802 145221802

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310734-05 CALOPTIC2-1/2X A viewing device which increases the apparent size of an object.
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Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/fr 6650-14-522-1802
Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 310734 Electrical-Electronic Component Heat Sink Request
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Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/fr 6650-14-522-1802
Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 310734 14-333-4764 Electrical-Electronic Component Heat
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Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 310734 NumberManufacturerStatusCALOPTIC2-1/2X FA8P5
5484Dynamotor Stator6125010765484 010765484 310734 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/fr 6650-14-522-1802
Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/fr 6650-14-522-1802
Magnifier 6650145221802 145221802,310734-05 310734 14-333-4764 Electrical-Electronic Component Heat

6650-14-522-1802 Demil Restrictions 6650-14-522-1802


6650-14-522-1802 is a Magnifier

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