
Infrared Light Filter

6650145164358 145164358 ESOPE/130NOM2

An item fabricated of a special glass or other suitable material for the purpose of transmitting electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths greater than those of microwaves and blocking all other wavelengths of light. It is designed to fit into the aperture of a suitable light source or detector. Excludes FILTER, ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT. View more Infrared Light Filter

6650-14-516-4358 FILTER,INFRARED LIGHT 6650145164358 145164358

Managed by France
NSN Created on 22 Sep 1999
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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6650-14-516-4358 FILTER,INFRARED LIGHT 6650145164358 145164358 1/1
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France (ZF)

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