
Optical Instrument Light Filter

6650331022988 331022988 A976-4C-5

An item having two plane-parallel surfaces and consisting of a polarizing material bonded between glass or plastic. This item transmits light in only one plane and is usually used in pairs to vary the light transmitted into or through an optical instrument. Excludes WINDOW, OPTICAL INSTRUMENT. View more Optical Instrument Light Filter

6650-33-102-2988 FILTER,LIGHT,OPTICAL INSTRUMENT 6650331022988 331022988

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Optical Instrument Light Filter 331022988 RQST NE Updated Every Day 6650-33-102-2988 RQST Updated Every
JavaScript in your web browser . 6650-33-102-3020Optical https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/es 6650-33-102-2988
Optical Instrument Light Filter 331022988 JavaScript in your web browser . 6650-33-102-2988Optical
Instrument Light Filter6650331022988 331022988 A976 having two plane-parallel surfaces and consisting
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Optical Instrument Light Filter 331022988 us 5120-00-789-4388 Wrench 5120007894388 007894388,A976

6650-33-102-2988 Demil Restrictions 6650-33-102-2988


6650-33-102-2988 is a Optical Instrument Light Filter

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