

6650123609196 123609196 6.10510.09 05722779

A viewing device used to visually inspect items such as cannon bores, internal combustion engine cylinder walls, propellant perforations of rocket motors or similar items, for defects of manufacture, corrosion, scars, erosion, etc., without the necessity of disassembling the item(s). It may or may not have extension tubes to cover the various ranges of inspection. The item is basically a straight-tube telescope using a mirror or prism. View more Borescope

6650-12-360-9196 BORESCOPE 6650123609196 123609196

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6650-12-360-9196 BORESCOPE 6650123609196 123609196 1/1
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6.10510.09 05722779 A viewing device used to visually inspect items such as cannon bores, internal combustion
Every Day 6650-12-360-9196 RQST NE Related Documents 6650-12-360-9196 4+ Documents ( More... ) https
Borescope 6650123609196 123609196,6.10510.09 Day 6650-12-360-9196 RQST NE Related Documents https
for $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5330-12-360-0537Gasket5330123600537 123600537 05068900 05722779
Borescope 6650123609196 123609196,6.10510.09 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6650-12-360
-9196Borescope6650123609196 123609196 6.10510.09 05722779 NumberManufacturerStatus6.10510.09 D8445 -
Accessories from Germany (DE) 6650-12-343-1937 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/de 6650-12-360-9196
Borescope 6650123609196 123609196,6.10510.09 Day 6650-12-360-9196 RQST NE Related Documents https
Instruments, Test Equipment, Components and Accessories from Germany (DE) DAC: 3 15 Jan 1999 6650-12-360-9196
Two or more different types of optical components https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6650/de 6650-12-360-9196
Borescope 6650123609196 123609196,6.10510.09 Germany (DE) DAC: 3 15 Jan 1999 6650-12-360-9196 https
6650-12-347-6236 Optical Component Assembly 8854 180-101RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 15 Jan 1999 6650-12-360-9196

6650-12-360-9196 Demil Restrictions 6650-12-360-9196


6650-12-360-9196 is a Borescope

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