
Shutoff Rubber Tubing Clamp

6640121309776 121309776 2750-50 9180050

6640-12-130-9776 CLAMP,RUBBER TUBING,SHUTOFF 6640121309776 121309776

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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January 2023
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6640-12-130-9776 CLAMP,RUBBER TUBING,SHUTOFF 6640121309776 121309776 1/1
NSN 6640-12-130-9776 (Generic Image) 1/1

6640-12-130-9776 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6640-12-130-9776

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6640-12-130-9776 is a Shutoff Rubber Tubing Clamp

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