
Material Strength Tester

6635143635295 143635295 3983051 DM20-500A5000G 85-800-8732

An instrument designed for testing by measuring the tensile strength of fabric, yarn, leather, wire, metal, paper and similar materials. May also be designed to make compression and/or elongation test. See also TENSIOMETER, DIAL INDICATING. View more Material Strength Tester

6635-14-363-5295 TESTER,MATERIAL STRENGTH 6635143635295 143635295

Managed by France
NSN Created on 9 May 1980
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January 2023
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6635-14-363-5295 TESTER,MATERIAL STRENGTH 6635143635295 143635295 1/1
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3983051 DM20-500A5000G 85-800-8732 An instrument designed for testing by measuring the tensile strength
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6635-14-363-5295 is a Material Strength Tester

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France (ZF)

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