
Test Probe-Lead Assembly

6625997701142 997701142 NLC 392 NLC392-001 NLC392

A definite length of wire or cable with a CLIP, ELECTRICAL; CONNECTOR, PLUG, ELECTRICAL; CONNECTOR, RECEPTACLE, ELECTRICAL; JACK, TELEPHONE; JACK, TIP; PLUG, TIP; or the like on one or both ends and PROBE, TEST on either end but not on both ends. Electronic components, such as capacitors, electron tube, resistors, semiconductor devices, and the like are mounted into and included with the item for attenuation or amplification purposes. May or may not include accessories such as CLIP, ELECTRICAL; PROBE, TEST; TEST PROBE ATTACHMENT. For items without electronic components see, LEAD, TEST. For items designed for direct attachment to a PROBE-LEAD ASSEMBLY, TEST see PROBE, TEST. For items designed for indirect attachment to a PROBE-LEAD ASSEMBLY, TEST see TEST PROBE ATTACHMENT. View more Test Probe-Lead Assembly

6625-99-770-1142 PROBE-LEAD ASSEMBLY,TEST 6625997701142 997701142

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NSN Created on 23 Jul 1999
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6625-99-770-1142 PROBE-LEAD ASSEMBLY,TEST 6625997701142 997701142 1/1
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NLC 392 NLC392-001 NLC392 A definite length of wire or cable with a CLIP, ELECTRICAL; CONNECTOR, PLUG
/fsc-6625/uk 6625-99-770-1142 Test Probe-Lead Assembly 6625997701142 NLC 392NLC392-001NLC392 A definite
Probe-Lead Assembly 6625997701142 NLC 392NLC392-001NLC392 A definite Restrictions 6625-99-770-1142 DEMIL

6625-99-770-1142 Demil Restrictions 6625-99-770-1142


6625-99-770-1142 is a Test Probe-Lead Assembly

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6625-99-770-1142 Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 6625-99-770-1142 October 2021

Criticality and Quality

Critical Item Code:
Flight Safety:
Life Support:
Certified Samples:
First Article Test (FAT):
Certificate of Quality Compliance:
Production Lot Testing:
Special Testing:
Qualified Products List (QPL):

Commercial Properties

Government Furnished Material:
Government Furnished Tooling:
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Commerical Off The Shelf (COTS):
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Contains Classified Material
Weapons System Indicator Code (WSIC):

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Pallet Reference Number Required: