
Digital Counting Unit

6625121956110 121956110 405-020-21 ZLB702/LS ZLB702LS

A binary counting unit used to electronically count the quantity of discrete electrical impulses applied to its input terminal. It is normally used in conjuction with other counting units in a COUNTER, ELECTRONIC, DIGITAL READOUT. The unit is designed to count from zero to a predetermined digit, return to zero, and simultaneously generate an output signal for applications as required, such as to other counting units, meters, or remote indicators. It may be a plug-in or circuit card unit of vacuum tube or transistorized design. It may be nonindicating or indicating with display in the form of vertical, horizontal, in-line, or remote readout. Excludes COUNTER, ELECTRICAL; COUNTER, ELECTRONIC, DIGITAL; and COUNTER, ELECTRONIC, DIGITAL READOUT. See also INDICATOR, DIGITAL DISPLAY. View more Digital Counting Unit

6625-12-195-6110 COUNTING UNIT,DIGITAL 6625121956110 121956110

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NSN Created on 17 Mar 1983
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January 2023
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6625-12-195-6110 COUNTING UNIT,DIGITAL 6625121956110 121956110 1/1
NSN 6625-12-195-6110 (Generic Image) 1/1

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405-020-21 ZLB702/LS ZLB702LS A binary counting unit used to electronically count the quantity of discrete
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Digital Counting Unit 6625121956110 121956110 Day 6625-12-195-6110 RQST NE Related Documents https
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Digital Counting Unit 6625121956110 121956110 -5534 6625-12-195-6110 https//www.nsnlookup.com https
116-9975 6625-00-592-6070 6625-00-960-9651 4935-00-980-2868 6625-12-340-1453 6625-12-196-5534 6625-12-195-6110
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6625/dk 6625-22-617-3811 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6625/de 6625-12-195-6110
Digital Counting Unit 6625121956110 121956110 6625-12-340-1453 6625-12-196-5534 6625-12-195-6110
116-9975 6625-00-592-6070 6625-00-960-9651 4935-00-980-2868 6625-12-340-1453 6625-12-196-5534 6625-12-195-6110
116-9975 6625-00-592-6070 6625-00-960-9651 4935-00-980-2868 6625-12-340-1453 6625-12-196-5534 6625-12-195-6110

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