
Automatic Pilot Servomotor

6615145287970 145287970 1041809B02

A component of an automatic pilot designed to convert signals received from the flight controllers into mechanical motion for actuating airframe control surfaces. It incorporates its own braking mechanism, reversing mechanism, overpower clutch, cable drum, and a follow-up circuit for returning the mechanisms to a neutral position. See also MOTOR, CONTROL. View more Automatic Pilot Servomotor

6615-14-528-7970 SERVOMOTOR,AUTOMATIC PILOT 6615145287970 145287970

Managed by France
NSN Created on 14 Feb 2002
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6615-14-528-7970 SERVOMOTOR,AUTOMATIC PILOT 6615145287970 145287970 1/1
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6615-14-528-7970 is a Automatic Pilot Servomotor

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