
Inertial Navigation System

6605144637918 144637918 21354016-08 21354231-9

A self-contained, dead-reckoning system that senses acceleration along the pitch, yaw and roll axis of land vehicle, watercraft or aircraft and calculates the distance from a reference point. They can include INERTIAL NAVIGATION UNIT(s); PLATFORM, INERTIAL; power supplies; subsystems; mode selectors; and control displays. View more Inertial Navigation System

6605-14-463-7918 INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM 6605144637918 144637918

Managed by France
NSN Created on 30 Jun 1993
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21354016-08 21354231-9 A self-contained, dead-reckoning system that senses acceleration along the pitch
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France (ZF)

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