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Compound Ophthalmic Lens
6540000010244 000010244 P7.50 MO.25
A transparent optical element having a spherical curve and a cylindrical curve used to correct vision defects of the eye. View more Compound Ophthalmic Lens
November 2023
Marketplace 6540-00-001-0244
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Related Documents 6540-00-001-0244 4+ Documents (More...)
Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 6540/us 6540-00-001
Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 Compound Ophthalmic Lens https
Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010638 0503 6540-00-001-
0572 6540-00-001-0638 https https https Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010638 6540000010244 https//
Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010638 6540000010244 https
Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010503 0245 https Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010503 https/ Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244
Compound Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 Ophthalmic Lens 6540000010244 https//
Restrictions 6540-00-001-0244
6540-00-001-0244 is a Compound Ophthalmic Lens that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.
Approved Sources 6540-00-001-0244
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- P7.50 MO.25
- Manufacturer
- 3N062 - Dispensers Optical Service Corp (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
DLA Procurement Analysis 6540-00-001-0244
Management Data 6540-00-001-0244
- Effective Date
- Organization
- Unit of Issue
- Unit Price
- Qty Unit Pack
- Unit of Issue
- Aug 2014
- Department of the Army (DA)
- PR
- Subscribe
- PR
- Code
- Statement
- Order of Use
- Jump To Code
- Qty Per Assy
- Technical Document
- Quantative Expression
- Code
- Department of the Air Force (DF)
- F
- V
- Discontinued Without Replacement
- V
- Department of the Navy (DN)
- N
- V
- Discontinued Without Replacement
- V
- Defense Logistics Agency (DS)
- I
- V
- Discontinued Without Replacement
- V
- Materiel Category and Inventory Manager:
- C
- Medical/Dental Materiel
- Appropriation and Budget Activity:
- 2
- Stock Fund Secondary Items
- Management Inventory Segment:
- 2
- Non-Repairable Items(Exclusive of Insurance and Provisioning Items)
This code will be used to identify items, which are not reparable.
- Weapons System / End Item / Homogeneous Group:
- 03
- DLA/GSA Material
Not Potency Dated
- Accounting Requirements:
- X
- Expendable item.An item of Army property coded with an ARC of X in the AMDF. Expendable items require no formal accountability after issue from a stock record account.Commercial and fabricated items similar to items coded X in the AMDF are considered expendable items.
- Cognizance:
- 9B
- Navy-owned stocks of DLA material
Naval Inventory Control Point, Mechanicsburg
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6540-00-001-0244
Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 6540-00-001-0244 October 2021
Criticality and Quality
- Critical Item Code:
- Flight Safety:
- Life Support:
- Certified Samples:
- Serialization:
- First Article Test (FAT):
- Certificate of Quality Compliance:
- Production Lot Testing:
- Special Testing:
- Qualified Products List (QPL):
Commercial Properties
- Government Furnished Material:
- Government Furnished Tooling:
- Government Furnished Property:
- Price Evaluation Code:
- Diminshing Manufacturing Sources:
- Warranty:
- Commerical Off The Shelf (COTS):
- End Item Application:
- Auctioning Candidate:
- Source of Procurement:
- Contract Option:
- Boeing Rights Guard:
- Export Controlled:
- Controlled Technical Data Package (TDP):
- Restricted Technical Data Package (TDP):
- Contains Classified Material
- Weapons System Indicator Code (WSIC):
- N
Packaging Requirements
- Packaging Determination Table:
- Packaging Review Code:
- Special Packaging Instruction Number (SPIN):
- Special Packaging Instruction Number Revision:
- Special Packaging Instruction Number Date:
- Pallet Reference Number Required: