
Men's Pajama Trousers

6532258255201 258255201 STR44

A loose lightweight trouser designed for males who have reached the age of physical maturity. Worn for sleeping or lounging. View more Men's Pajama Trousers

6532-25-825-5201 TROUSERS,MEN'S PAJAMA 6532258255201 258255201

Managed by Norway
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1984
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6532-25-825-5201 TROUSERS,MEN'S PAJAMA 6532258255201 258255201 1/1
NSN 6532-25-825-5201 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Hospital and Surgical Clothing and Related Special https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6532/no 6532-25-825-5201
Men's Pajama Trousers 6532258255201 258255201 Day 6532-25-825-5201 RQST NE Related Documents
Hospital and Surgical Clothing and Related Special Purpose Items from Norway (NO) 25-127-3753 6532-25-825-5201
-120-3694Women's Slacks8410251203694 251203694 FS 8410-2031 STR 44 GIS8410-0067SOMMERBUKSEM77STR44 STR44
STR44 Managed by Norway NSN Created on 1 Jan 1984 Data Last Changed January 2023 NATO Update Count 1
Skoeyter 7810251025418251025418,STR44 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8405/no 8405-25-820 STR44
114-8617 Medical Assistant's Smock 6532251148617 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6532/no 6532-25-825-5201
Men's Pajama Trousers 6532258255201 258255201 121-3140 Skoeyter 7810251213140 251213140,STR44
-8617 Medical Assistant's Smock NS1069RNCC: 2 | RNVC: 1 | DAC: 6 1 Jan 1984 6532-25-127-3753 6532-25-825-5201

6532-25-825-5201 Demil Restrictions 6532-25-825-5201


6532-25-825-5201 is a Men's Pajama Trousers

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Norway (ZT)

6532-25-825-5201 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6532-25-825-5201

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