
Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag

6530226119438 226119438

A container made of duck or other flexible material with carrying handles or straps. The item is generally used for holding and transporting surgical instruments/supplies and other medical items. Excludes SATCHEL, PHYSICIAN'S; CASE, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SET, PHYSICIAN; and CASE, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SET, MEDICAL ORDERLY. View more Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag

6530-22-611-9438 BAG,MEDICAL INSTRUMENT AND SUPPLY SET 6530226119438 226119438

Managed by Denmark
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January 2024
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6530-22-611-9438 BAG,MEDICAL INSTRUMENT AND SUPPLY SET 6530226119438 226119438 1/1
NSN 6530-22-611-9438 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Denmark (DK) 4. 6530-22-611-9438 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag Documents 6530-22-611-9438 3+ Documents ( More... ) https
Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag vendors Request Related Documents 6530-22-611-9438 https/
6530-22-124-5167Loefter6530221245167 221245167 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6530/dk 6530-22-611-9438
Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag And Supply Set Bag and Supplies from Denmark (DK) 6530-22-611-9438
dk 6530-22-124-5167 Loefter 6530221245167221245167 Utensils, and Supplies from Denmark (DK) 6530-22-611-9438
6530221253201221253201 4196 Restrictions 6530-15-148-4196 DEMIL: | DEMILI www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6530/dk 6530-22-611-9438
Instrument And Supply Set Bag Stretcher 6530221253201 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6530/dk 6530-22-611-9438
Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag vendors Request Related Documents 6530-22-611-9438 https/
6530-22-125-3201 Spe Scoop Stretcher 6530221253201 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6530/dk 6530-22-611-9438
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6530/dk 6530-22-124-5167 Loefter Bag and Supplies from Denmark (DK) 6530-22-611-9438

6530-22-611-9438 Demil Restrictions 6530-22-611-9438


6530-22-611-9438 is a Medical Instrument And Supply Set Bag

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