
Ostomy Bowel Loop Bridge

6515145394399 145394399 PARP 06/11PX

An item used for stabilizing an exteriorized loop of bowel during surgical procedures. It has rounded ends and, when opened, lays flat against the patient's skin. Consists of two flat, curved nonmetallic pieces which can be folded to insert under the loop of the bowel. View more Ostomy Bowel Loop Bridge

6515-14-539-4399 BRIDGE,BOWEL LOOP,OSTOMY 6515145394399 145394399

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NSN Created on 14 Jan 2004
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6515-14-539-4399 BRIDGE,BOWEL LOOP,OSTOMY 6515145394399 145394399 1/1
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Ostomy Bowel Loop Bridge 6515145394399 to 6515-14-533-1303 6515-14-533-1304 6515-14-539-4399 Ostomy
item used for stabilizing an exteriorized loop https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/fr 6515-14-539-4399
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Bridge 6515145394400 Bowel Loop Bridge 6515145331304 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/fr 6515-14-539-4399
Ostomy Bowel Loop Bridge 6515145394399 6515-14-539-4399 Ostomy Bowel Loop Bridge 6515145394399
Primary Buy RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 3 NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6515-14-533-1304 6515-14-533-1304 6515-14-539-4399

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