
Air Powered Surgical Instrument Hose Assembly

6515123781523 123781523 20400027

A quick disconnect, coaxial, nonmetallic item, with fittings. Designed for use with air powered surgical items including craniotomes. One end may have a push-turn type connection for the air powered item. The other end may have a male connector for insertion into the female connector of a standard Compressed Gas Association (CGA) fitting of a REGULATOR, NITROGEN. Excludes EXTENSION HOSE ASSEMBLY, AIR POWERED SURGICAL INSTRUMENT. View more Air Powered Surgical Instrument Hose Assembly

6515-12-378-1523 HOSE ASSEMBLY,AIR POWERED SURGICAL INSTRUMENT 6515123781523 123781523

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NSN Created on 16 Mar 2009
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6515-12-378-1523 HOSE ASSEMBLY,AIR POWERED SURGICAL INSTRUMENT 6515123781523 123781523 1/1
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/fsg-65/fsc-6515/uk 6515-99-212-2255 6515992122255 992122255 6515123781523 123781523,20400027 Day 6515
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marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 6515-99-212-2255 6515-12-381-1547 6515-14-535-1255 6515-12-378-1523
212-2255 6515-12-381-1547 6515-14-535-1255 https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/de 6515-12-378-1523
6515123781523 123781523,20400027 992118703,519.83,6515 6515-01-661-1254 6515016611254 016611254,100130U
disconnect, coaxial, nonmetallic item, with fittings. https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/de 6515-12-378-1523
6515123781523 123781523,20400027 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/de 6515-12-378-1523 https//
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/pt 6515-26-300-7995 6515263007995 263007995,519.530 6515-12-378-1523
6515123781523 123781523,20400027 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-65/fsc-6515/de 6515-12-381-1547
/fsg-65/fsc-6515/us 6515-01-438-0531 6515014380531 014380531,05-5052-010-00 6515-22-601-2357 6515-12-378-1523
-438-0531 https 899-5438 6515-99-899-5438 6515-01-389-6034 6515-12-357-1142 6515-22-601-2357 6515-12-378-1523

6515-12-378-1523 Demil Restrictions 6515-12-378-1523


6515-12-378-1523 is a Air Powered Surgical Instrument Hose Assembly

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