
Lamp Starter Socket

6250170153460 170153460 61482-02 61505-02 61517-02 H06 914500020203

A socket designed to accommodate electrically and mechanically a fluorescent lamp starter. For a fitting designed for both lamp and starter, see LAMPHOLDER. View more Lamp Starter Socket

6250-17-015-3460 SOCKET,LAMP STARTER 6250170153460 170153460

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NSN Created on 24 Mar 1973
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6250-17-015-3460 SOCKET,LAMP STARTER 6250170153460 170153460 1/1
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61482-02 61505-02 61517-02 H06 914500020203 A socket designed to accommodate electrically and mechanically
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Lamp Starter Socket 6250170153460 170153460 6250-99-539-4683 6250-17-049-8270 6250-17-015-3460
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