
Incandescent Lamp

6240998325645 998325645

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 6240-99-452-6375

An item whose principal purpose is to produce light from a glowing filament(s). It includes metal backed and reflecting types, seal beam and flood types. It may include an integral filament shield to control and/or modify its illumination pattern. View more Incandescent Lamp

6240-99-832-5645 LAMP,INCANDESCENT 6240998325645 998325645

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January 2024
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6240-99-832-5645 LAMP,INCANDESCENT 6240998325645 998325645 1/1
NSN 6240-99-832-5645 (Generic Image) 1/1

6240-99-832-5645 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6240-99-832-5645

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Incandescent Lamp 6240998325645998325645 Documents 6240-99-832-5645 2+ Documents ( More... ) https
participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 6240-99-793-7173 1601 Incandescent Lamp 6240-99-832-5645
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Incandescent Lamp 6240998325645 998325645 Documents 6240-99-832-5645 2+ Documents ( More... ) https
HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC : 6240-99-452-6375 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6240/uk 6240-99-832-5645
Incandescent Lamp 6240998325645 998325645 browser . 6240-99-832-5645Incandescent Lamp6240998325645
998325645 Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 6240-99-452-6375 Restrictions 6240-99-452-6375 DEMIL: | DEMILI
Electric Lamps from United Kingdom (UK) -99-934-6386 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6240/uk 6240-99-832-5645
Incandescent Lamp 6240998325645 998325645 Electric Lamps from United Kingdom (UK) 0422 Incandescent
Related Documents 6240-99-844-0006 3578 Incandescent Lamp 6240-99-255-1601 Incandescent Lamp 6240-99-832-5645
Incandescent Lamp 6240997937173 997937173 Related Documents 6240-99-793-7173 1601 Incandescent Lamp 6240-99-832-5645

6240-99-832-5645 Demil Restrictions 6240-99-832-5645


6240-99-832-5645 is a Incandescent Lamp

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