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Incandescent Lamp

6240142328343 142328343 813 N142 4406 47113 1605

An item whose principal purpose is to produce light from a glowing filament(s). It includes metal backed and reflecting types, seal beam and flood types. It may include an integral filament shield to control and/or modify its illumination pattern. View more Incandescent Lamp

6240-14-232-8343 LAMP,INCANDESCENT 6240142328343 142328343

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1967
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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6240-14-232-8343 LAMP,INCANDESCENT 6240142328343 142328343 1/1
NSN 6240-14-232-8343 (Generic Image) 1/1

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813 N142 4406 47113 1605 An item whose principal purpose is to produce light from a glowing filament
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Jj Keller 1605 - RQST NE Updated Every Day 6240-14-232-8343 RQST Updated Every Day 6240-14-232-8343
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 9915-21-921-0413Artefac Certificate9915219210413 219210413 47113
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Upgrade your Account Upgrade 6240-14-232-8343Incandescent Lamp6240142328343 142328343 813 N142 4406
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6660-99-531-6420Automatic Level Sur6660995316420 995316420 N142
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8465-15-235-0789Pugnale Piemontese8465152350789 152350789 N142
vendors Request Updated Every Day 6660-99-531-6420 https// /fsg-62/fsc-6240/fr 6240-14-232-8343
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8465-15-235-0789Pugnale Piemontese8465152350789 152350789 N142
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6660-99-531-6420Automatic Level Sur6660995316420 995316420 N142
Incandescent Lamp 6240142328343 142328343,813 $1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 6240-14-232
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