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Incandescent Lamp

6240121377634 121377634 403 BA9S-24V-200MA

An item whose principal purpose is to produce light from a glowing filament(s). It includes metal backed and reflecting types, seal beam and flood types. It may include an integral filament shield to control and/or modify its illumination pattern. View more Incandescent Lamp

6240-12-137-7634 LAMP,INCANDESCENT 6240121377634 121377634

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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6240-12-137-7634 LAMP,INCANDESCENT 6240121377634 121377634 1/1
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403 BA9S-24V-200MA An item whose principal purpose is to produce light from a glowing filament(s).
Every Day 6240-12-137-7634 RQST NE Updated Every Day 6240-12-137-7634 RQST Updated Every Day 6240-12
/fsg-62/fsc-6240/de 6240-12-137-7634 Incandescent Lamp 6240121377634 121377634,403 403BA9S-24V-200MA

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6240-12-137-7634 is a Incandescent Lamp

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