
Extension Light

6230171126938 171126938 LACH203

A light specifically designed for portable use by means of a length of flexible cable, which may or may not be provided. Includes one or more of the following: lamp, handle, guard, hook, reflector, switch, connector, light filter, lens or globe. It may also include a cable reel. Excludes self-powered lights, and items such as desk lights and floor lights which are designed to be mounted or placed on or near a specified surface. See also FLOODLIGHT, ELECTRIC; LIGHT, COCKPIT, AIRCRAFT; SEARCHLIGHT; and SPOTLIGHT. View more Extension Light

6230-17-112-6938 LIGHT,EXTENSION 6230171126938 171126938

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NSN Created on 15 Jul 1999
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6230-17-112-6938 LIGHT,EXTENSION 6230171126938 171126938 1/1
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Extension Light 6230171126938 171126938 6230-17-112-6938 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY https/
3 21 Oct 1968 6230-17-100-7612 Extension Light 442074RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2 27 May 1986 6230-17-112-6938

6230-17-112-6938 Demil Restrictions 6230-17-112-6938


6230-17-112-6938 is a Extension Light

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Netherlands (ZN)

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