

6230145310430 145310430 DA016E

An item which conforms to Light (1), with integral battery container or integral source of power, designed to be normally held in the hand or attached to a weapon to project a beam of light. Does not include an integral handle, but may include a means of carrying such as a clip, ring, or strap. The lens and/or reflecting surface may be part of the lamp. For items designed to be attached to a person in distress, see LIGHT, MARKER, DISTRESS. View more Flashlight

6230-14-531-0430 FLASHLIGHT 6230145310430 145310430

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NSN Created on 23 Jul 2002
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6230-14-531-0430 FLASHLIGHT 6230145310430 145310430 1/1
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Flashlight 6230145310430145310430,DA016E DA016E An item which conforms to Light (1), with integral battery

6230-14-531-0430 Demil Restrictions 6230-14-531-0430


6230-14-531-0430 is a Flashlight

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France (ZF)

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