
Distress Marker Light

6230660340133 660340133 MJM318

A light designed to give the location of or indicate a person in distress. It is also used to mark line obstructions or hazards to ships for night replenishment at sea. May have facilities for sending coded signals. Includes flashlight types designed to be attached to a person in distress. See also FLASHLIGHT; and LIGHT, SIGNAL. View more Distress Marker Light

6230-66-034-0133 LIGHT,MARKER,DISTRESS 6230660340133 660340133

Managed by Australia
NSN Created on 24 Feb 1960
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January 2023
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6230-66-034-0133 LIGHT,MARKER,DISTRESS 6230660340133 660340133 1/1
NSN 6230-66-034-0133 (Generic Image) 1/1

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558-8375 Distress Marker Light 6230145588375 145588375 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6230/au 6230-66-034-0133
Distress Marker Light 6230660340133 660340133 475-7035 6230994072124 994072124 431-1975 6230-12
-367-2622 6230-12-369-1950 6230-66-034-0133 6230-14-558-8375 Distress Marker Light 6230145588375145588375
6230/au 6230-66-034 475-7035 6230994072124 994072124 431-1975 6230-12-367-2622 6230-12-369-1950 6230-66-034-0133
Distress Marker Light 6230660340133 660340133 0133 Distress Marker Light 6230660340133660340133
. ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6230/fr 6230-14-558-8375 -367-2622 6230-12-369-1950 6230-66-034-0133
Distress Marker Light 6230123691950123691950 6230 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6230/au 6230-66-034-0133
Distress Marker Light 6230660340133 660340133 995317365 367 -2622 6230-12-369-1950 6230-66-034-
004-2883 6230-12-340-8952 6230-14-526-7558 6230-14-431-1975 6230-12-367-2622 6230-12-369-1950 6230-66-034-0133
6230/uk 6230-99-728 Distress Marker Light 6230995317365 995317365 367 -2622 6230-12-369-1950 6230-66-034-0133
/uk 6230-99-728-6486 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6230/au 6230-66-034-0133 Distress Marker
Light 6230660340133 660340133 8375 Distress Marker Light 6230145588375145588375 https//www.nsnlookup.com

6230-66-034-0133 Demil Restrictions 6230-66-034-0133


6230-66-034-0133 is a Distress Marker Light

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