
Warning Light

6220998361271 998361271 60984067

A light designed to be permanently or temporarily mounted or positioned on or near a movable/immovable object or obstruction to alert personnel of a dangerous, hazardous, or unusual condition or situation by automatically producing either repeated flashes of light or by rotation or oscillation of a light source. Excludes items with integral siren. View more Warning Light

6220-99-836-1271 LIGHT,WARNING 6220998361271 998361271

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NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991
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January 2023
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6220-99-836-1271 LIGHT,WARNING 6220998361271 998361271 1/1
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60984067 A light designed to be permanently or temporarily mounted or positioned on or near a movable
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6220-99-836-1271 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6220/uk 6220-99-836-1271

6220-99-836-1271 Demil Restrictions 6220-99-836-1271


6220-99-836-1271 is a Warning Light

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